Monday, December 14, 2009
Taking Service to a New Level
Monday, November 30, 2009
Holding Leaders Accountable? Don't Forget Forgiveness!
Preparing for a trip to New York today, and I was going through some old magazines in my office and came across this one -- the June 2000 issue of Fast Company -- thick (418 pages) with the provocative cover "Enough Talk! It's Time for Results -- Are You Getting It Done?"
This was some fun reading. While the cover could be published today (it's still all about results, or should be), a few of the articles held up and a few of them reflected the mindsets we all had nearly 10 years ago. Check out page 88 -- a record company exec argues that CDs are here to stay, not those pesky MP3 players!
The article that holds up most is one by Alan Webber (no surprise - he's brilliant) on how to get things done. My favorite part is the section about accountability. Here it is:
Doing means learning. Learning means mistakes.
If companies genuinely want to move from knowing to doing, they need to build a forgiveness framework -- a tolerance for error and failure -- into their culture. A company that wants you to come up with a smart idea, implement that idea quickly, and learn in the process has to be willing to cut you some slack. You need to be able to try things, even if you think that you might fail.
The absolute opposite mind-set is one that appears to be enjoying a lot of favor at the moment: the notion that we have to hold people accountable for their performance. Companies today are holding their employees accountable -- not only for trying and learning new things, but also for the results of their actions. If you want to see how that mind-set affects performance, compare the ways that American Airlines and Southwest Airlines approach accountability -- and then compare those two airlines' performances.
American Airlines has decided to emphasize accountability, right down to the departmental -- and even the individual -- level. If a plane is late, American wants to know whose fault it is. So if a plane is late, what do American employees do? They spend all of their time making sure that they don't get blamed for it. And while everyone is busy covering up, no one is thinking about the customer.
Southwest Airlines has a system for covering late arrivals: It's called "team delay." Southwest doesn't worry too much about accountability; it isn't interested in pinning blame. The company is interested only in getting the plane in the air and in learning how to prevent delays from happening in the future.
Now ask yourself this: If you're going to be held accountable for every mistake that you make, how many chances are you going to take? How eager are you going to be to convert your ideas into actions?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I read in the Financial Times that "Weber Shandwick, the PR agency, reported research showing that 54 per cent of American workers have not heard from their leaders how their company will be impacted by the recession, but 74 per cent had heard co-workers discuss the matter. The rumor mill cannot be shut down and canny leaders will feed the grapevine with facts to help counter the rumours.
"Leaders must also show that they are listening and that they welcome employee feedback. In his new book, 'How the Mighty Fall,' Jim Collins notes that for companies on a declining trajectory, 'those in power start to blame external factors for setbacks rather than accept responsibility. The vigorous, fact-based dialogue that characterizes high-performance teams dwindles or disappears altogether.'"
One point we make in our book "Ordinary Greatness" is that if you make people guess, they will almost always guess wrong. Are you making people guess or are you over-communicating?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Using Ordinary Greatness Principles to Increase Trust
What can be done to retain or restore trust in a workplace? In our book, “Ordinary Greatness,” we examine this question, and here is what we found:
1. Tell the truth. Sounds simple, but most employees we interviewed who had lost trust in their boss could tell some story about a time they felt they were lied to, spun, or were told less than the unvarnished truth. The boss often has a different perspective when confronted about this disconnect, and blames “the script HR gave me,” the employee’s unrealistic expectations, or the economy. But is there ever a reason not to tell the whole truth? Our commitment to protect confidentialities aside, be sure you are telling the truth in every situation. A friend of ours asks his young children every night when he tucks them in, “Did Daddy tell the truth to you today?” We asked him why he did this. He said, “Because I want to avoid situations where my kids think I lied to them when in reality we just had a misunderstanding. For example, if my kids ask me if I could take them to the park, I might say yes, thinking I will do it this weekend, when they were thinking of today. I want to catch that stuff as it happens.”
2. Stay visible. Schedule time each day to go around and visit staff where they work and work alongside them. In many of these hospitals mentioned above, it is a safe guess that administrators and decision-makers have hidden in their offices and made staffing and equipment decisions based on spreadsheets, not on what they saw in the workplace with their own eyes, causing trust on the front lines to erode. Here are the benefits to you of getting out of your office today:
·You will identify and recognize ordinary greatness occurring during the course of the workday.
·You will let staff know that you care about the work that is being done and appreciate its importance to achieving organizational goals.
·You will encourage staff to make suggestions and offer opinions to improve the organization creating a stronger sense of ownership.
·You will provide the context for identifying opportunities for improvement and understanding the dynamics of decision choices.
·You will recognize obstacles or barriers that need to be removed to achieve better outcomes.
3. Be vulnerable about your own blinders that inhibit trust. In our research for “Ordinary Greatness,” we identified five blinders that keep leaders from spotting greatness in those they lead. These are:
·Compartmentalization (The belief that everyone and everything can be put in its own box)
·Preconceived Notions (Making quick cognitive commitments without getting the whole story)
·Personal Bias (Your own experiences and judgments that can cloud your vision)
·External Focus (Falling for the trappings of success or making judgments based on how something looks)
·Busyness (Over-scheduling to the point that important things are missed such as employee engagement)
Which of these blinders might you struggle with? Know your limitations and which blinders might be traps for you. Then discuss these with your staff. To take a free blinders assessment, visit our website:
4. Conduct “aspirational conversations” with staff. Do you know the aspirations of each of your employees? Do you know where they want their careers to go in the next five years? Aspirational conversations are ongoing dialogue between the individual and their manager focused on personal development actions to support the expansion of responsibilities, upward mobility, or new career paths. The leader open to spotting and developing ordinary greatness will see the value of conducting aspirational conversations with subordinates. We have been stunned by how few leaders actually do this simple, free activity that will reap benefits forever.
We believe that if the hospitals with the untrusting nurses had expected the above behaviors from leaders, trust would not be as much of an issue there. These principles work. Trust matters. Are you working hard each day to build trust by spotting ordinary greatness where you work and live?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Don't Skip The Offsite
Melissa is upfront about the expense and the risk, but I would come to the same conclusion -- don't skip the offsite, just make sure it is genuine and adds value. We recommend that all executive teams meet offsite at least quarterly.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Time for Some Visioning
Here are some highlights:
- Because of financial challenges this year, someone suggested that the vision sessions be cancelled. The CEO said it took about 30 seconds to kill that idea. I've found that most great companies and teams have a "now more than ever" approach to clarity and effectiveness. The hard times are when we really need to do this, not just when things are going well.
- "In an employee survey afterward, 68% said this year's week improved their understanding of how to effectively serve their customers. A surge of organizational and cultural awareness was created as hundreds of operational, sales and marketing, and support teams shared stories and plans." Sounds like a good return on investment.
- Johnson Controls also invites some its largest customers to the meeting. Definitely a good idea. When discussing and sharing vision, get the input of customers.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Stanford Study Confirms "Ordinary Greatness" Principle
The researchers asked participants to discuss baseball players, and gave them two lists: well-known players who were having mediocre seasons and less-known players who were having All-Star caliber seasons. They told the participants to discuss the players with one another, and more participants selected well-known players (66 percent) than lesser-known, higher-performing players (34 percent) to discuss with their conversation partners.
There are many reasons for this, but the main one seems to be that the participants selected the safer, well-known choice for a conversation topic as a way to seek "common ground." So when asked to select a player to discuss with a partner, performance seemed to matter less than how well the participant felt their partner would know the player.
In "Ordinary Greatness," we talk about blinders that inhibit our ability to see greatness, and this is an example of the blinders of compartmentalization and personal bias. We simply have a hard time spotting greatness if it doesn't fit into our preconceived notions of what greatness is or who can be great. In most companies there are employees who are doing great things who are less noticed because they may be quiet or are just not in a position to be noticed.
If you'd like to take a free assessment to see if there are any blinders you should be aware of in your own leadership, click here for that part of the Ordinary Greatness website:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thoughts on Leadership from CEO of Prescription Solutions
- She doesn't lead all of her team's meetings. "Each one of the executives leads the meeting — it rotates in alphabetical order and we just go through the list." She said this approach gets some good outcomes: "First of all, it teaches them how to lead a meeting. It also sends a message that this meeting’s not for me, it’s for us. And it’s been my observation that at a lot of these operations meetings, everyone talks to the C.E.O., not to each other. It also teaches good meeting etiquette. People are much more, I think, respectful of how they behave in a meeting because they’re going to be leading the meeting one day. "
- She also starts meetings by asking if someone in the company needs to be acknowledged. A good idea to be sure reward and recognition is prevalent in the company.
- Kosecoff also has this to say about silence: "it is consent. If you don’t speak up in the meeting, you can’t later come back and say: 'I really hated that. I don’t want it to happen.'" I would add that silence is really abdication. It is a good idea to have each team member go on the record and state their opinion on every important issue to avoid the outcome Kosecoff describes above. I am so glad she has thought this through. Shows good leadership on her part.
- She also stresses "assume positive intent." I agree. On the great teams I have worked with and on, there is a high level of benefit of the doubt.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Summer Reading List
How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
by Jim Collins
·Whether your company is on the way up, way down, or stagnating, this book will let you know the warning signs of failure and how some organizations stay successful. Hint: a lot of it has to do with your senior leadership team.
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: What They Say, Why They Matter, and How They Can Help You
by Jack Covert, Todd Sattersten
·This is my kind of book - pick it up anytime you have a few minutes and read the 2-3 page summary of a book you have perhaps read before but want to be reminded of the key concepts.
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
by Seth Godin
·Puts a whole new perspective on how leadership develops on blogs and social networking sites.
Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else
by Geoff Colvin
A Sense of Urgency
by John P. Kotter
Here are some books that aren’t as new as the titles above, but ones that we definitely recommend:
Firing Back: How Great Leaders Rebound After Career Disasters
by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Andrew Ward
·I picked this one up at a used bookstore just because I hadn’t remembered seeing a book on this topic before. At about 300 pages, there is a lot there, but it is a tremendous look at what it takes to recover from setbacks.
The Servant
by James Hunter
·A nice little fable that illustrates that the greatest leader is the greatest servant. This one changed my life.
Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers
by Robert Kriegel
·Funny and provocative look at innovation and shaking up your business.
The Transparency Edge
by Barbara and Elizabeth Pagano
·This isn’t just a leadership book – it will teach you how to live.
Of course, we recommend that you read anything ever written by Patrick Lencioni. Also, any of the “Little (Color) Book of ____________” by Jeffrey Gitomer. Both of these authors are especially good choices for people who don’t like to read traditional business books.
Any that you would add to your summer reading list?
Get More Done By Saying Less
Contains a great quote by New York real estate queen Barbara Corcoran. "Nobody is as interested in you as you think they are." This can be applied to our communication strategy as well. People probably aren't as interested in our message as we think they are, but we can improve our communication effectiveness.
We coach leaders to use two strategies: elevator speeches and over-communication.
When introducing a new concept or message, employ an elevator speech. Elevator speeches should answer four questions about our topic:
1. What is it?
2. Why is it necessary?
3. What will success look like?
4. What do I need from you?
The idea behind the elevator speech is that if you can't describe your idea, product, or message in four sentences or phrases, it's too complicated and will probably not be retained by the hearer.
Then once the elevator speech is prepared, you can't just say it once. You have to absolutely pound the message over and over and over. Dont' be afraid to repeat yourself. Repetition is how people remember.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This Summer, Don't Be Camouflaged
- Builds trust between staff and management
- Provides opportunities for the leader to identify and recognize
ordinary greatness occurring during the course of the workday - Lets staff know that you care about the work that is being done
and appreciate its importance to achieving organizational goals - Encourages staff to make suggestions and offer opinions to improve
the organization, creating a stronger sense of ownership - Provides the context for identifying opportunities for improvement
and understanding the dynamics of decision choices - Helps the leader recognize obstacles or barriers that need to be
removed to achieve better outcomes
However, the myriad benefits of visibility are often lost on executives. They have given us many excuses for not being visible. Here are some we have heard over the years:
- Too busy
- Didn't I just do that last month?
- I don't know what to say when I am with staff.
- They don't want me around anyway.
Entire books can be written to debunk each of those excuses, but if you are interested in improving your visibility, here are some tips:
- Commit to just getting started and doing it. It's always scariest right before you get started.
- Schedule it. Be sure your schedule is not so overburdened that you miss out on being visible to your staff and customers.
- Use your visibility time as an opportunity to over-communicate key messages. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself.
- If you are interacting with staff layers down in the organization, don't forget to manage up their leader to them -- be positive. This is what we call a win-win-win-win.
So next time you are tempted to hide out in your office, remember Colbert's camouflage suit. Be sure this is one article of clothing that you never wear. Stand out and get out. Now about that haircut...
Any visibility tips that have worked well for you? How do you stay visible to your customers and staff?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
What My Summer Job Taught Me
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Is Your Team on the Way Down or the Way Up?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
One Man's Trash....
"The recordings are on 7- and 10-inch plastic discs, in brown paper sleeves with handwritten labels. They were made in the mid-'40s, but it's not clear which radio shows, or even which stations, the devoted listener recorded. Fischer thinks his unknowing benefactor must have recorded the shows with some primitive device he made himself. "
Now even the Library of Congress is interested in getting its hands on these recordings.
I suppose the appropriateness of what Fischer is doing can be debated, but I can't stop thinking about the person who threw the recordings away. The person who made the originals obviously knew how unique the records are and how difficult they were to make. I suspect the person who threw them away was not the original owner and probably someone who didn't know or care about their value. Maybe it was a relative who thought, "Let's get rid of this trash." Or, "it can't be valuable if one of our family members owned it." Little did that person know the value of the "trash" right there in that apartment.
In our book, "Ordinary Greatness," we write about leaders tendencies to do this same de-valuing, but instead of music recordings, they tend to underestimate the people they lead. There are several blinders that get in the leader's way -- personal bias, preconceived notions, busyness, compartmentalization, and external focus. Any of them could be at play here.
As you interact with those you lead this week, watch out for these blinders, and remember -- there is valuable treasure right were you are. Don't throw it away!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Leading Clever People
I saw Stefan Stern's column about the book in the FT, (, and it got me thinking of my own list of challenges related to leading clever people:
1. They are not easily-controlled because they don't fear for their job -- they know they have talent that others will want or they can embark on their own.
2. They will only want to work on the most important, invigorating projects, often with no respect for turf or boundaries. This can drive corporate managers crazy.
3. They have a lot of influence, so it is important to keep them engaged, as others will follow their lead.
4. A real challenge is helping them see that they are not more important than the organization or the team. An expectation will have to be created that they use their impressive skill sets in service of the whole, not themselves.
Do you lead clever people? If so, what has worked for you?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Another Recognition Reminder
The article is thought-provoking, and here are my take-aways:
1. We often teach that recognition should be specific, but Lucy says this is not always a good idea. She shares the example of a leader who told a direct report, "You are a brilliant administrator." Leaving it at "you are brilliant" would have been better. I hadn't thought of that before, but it makes sense. I know for me the second example would have been more effective.
2. Lucy says she is "addicted to praise." I think most of us are, and the leader who realizes this will have an awesome tool in her arsenal.
3. "Praise is hellishly difficult to get right: good praise is even more of an art form than good criticism, and bad praise is worse than none at all."
4. Lucy closes the article by stressing the importance of handwritten notes. Amen!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hey, He Has a Goal. Kind of Strange, But He Has a Goal
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Money's Nice, But a Good Boss is Better
Of course, some federal departments in the employee survey fared better than others. Here's what the article has to say about the difference between the departments with high morale and those where employees are miserable:
"What separates these agencies in the minds of their employees is often the senior leadership, how well or poorly it shares information with subordinates, and the training and opportunities it provides workers, according to the study of federal survey results by the Partnership for Public Service, a nonpartisan group devoted to improving public service. "
The study also found that workers valued communication and straight answers from the boss more than pay and benefits! This research validates organizational studies we have been a part of and reiterates a central theme of life: everything rises and falls on leadership.
Every improvement tactic and strategy, to be effective in your company, will have to be role-modeled by the leaders first. The best gift you can give your employees is a great boss.
Google's Approach to Higher Turnover, Lower Engagement
So their response? "The Internet search giant recently began crunching data from employee reviews and promotion and pay histories in a mathematical formula Google says can identify which of its 20,000 employees are most likely to quit. Google officials are reluctant to share details of the formula, which is still being tested. The inputs include information from surveys and peer reviews, and Google says the algorithm already has identified employees who felt underused, a key complaint among those who contemplate leaving.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Is the Recession Costing You Sleep?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
What's on the CEO's Mind?
We talked to them about the need to retain their best people, how to be sure their investment in those people was being maximized, and how to teach their leaders to spot and develop greatness everywhere in the organization.
In speaking with the CEO's in some of the sessions, at breaks, and after our presentation, it became obvious that these were the issues that were front-of-mind to those in the executive suite:
1. Survival. Most CEO's right now are most concerned about getting through this time of cutbacks, budget cutbacks, and capital crunches. There was a real feeling that if we can get through 2009, the worst of this will be behind us. I hope they are right!
2. There was a lot of concern that when things do pick up, they may lose some of their best people. Right now there has been such a focus on survival and budgets that some of the things we have to do to retain our best people have been ignored. Recognition, employee involvement in decision-making, and training have all been cut at most companies, so when competitors begin to hire again, will we lose our best people?
3. They are very concerned that some of their worst-performing employees are just hanging on because they can't find anything else. You know, there is such a thing as good turnover -- when poor performing employees leave. And that is not happening right now. As one CEO said to me, "The only thing that scares me more than my best people leaving is my worst people staying." More important than ever to be sure the hiring model the company uses ensures the right people get in the door.
4. The time for touchy-feely "do it because it feels good" people solutions is over. There must be a botom-line answer for every proposed action. I think that's why we were so well-received. The issues we discussed related to making the business more profitable by being sure that every employee is engaged and employing maximum effort. We stressed value and profitability, so I know we were speaking their language!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Manny Being Manny
Monday, May 4, 2009
Again With the Visibility!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Obama's Suggestion Box
When establishing employee suggestion programs, here are some things to keep in mind:
1. Have a process for tracking and monitoring ideas, preferably electronically. Nothing destroys employee engagement faster than having ideas they submit get lost in the shuffle. If you haven’t been staying in touch with your staff and letting them know if or when their ideas will be acted upon, good luck getting staff to let you know their best ideas.
2. Be sure managers are engaged, accountable, and accessible throughout the process. When implementing his plan, President Obama must insist that leaders harvest ideas from staff and follow through on them. If their salary increases and promotional opportunities are not tied into their ability to engage their people, the plan has little chance for success. Managers must have goals tied to employee participation in the effort, and should constantly ask staff, "Do you know of any way we can improve our service or eliminate waste?"
3. Recognize the positive. Tell stories of how much the ideas have saved or how many wasteful processes have been eliminated. People remember stories long after they have forgotten facts. Keep the most positive people engaged by thanking them for their ideas and telling others how their ideas improved the workplace or the customer's experience.
4. Really mean it. If you aren't sincere about respectfully listening to staff and implementing their best ideas, don't start a suggestion effort. Staff can spot a phony flavor-of-the-month program, they will most likely ignore it, and leadership loses more credibility.
It's nice to see that with everything that President Obama has on his plate he is acknowledging a desire to listen to those closest to the taxpayers every day. Let's hope those who install the effort pay attention to these guidelines too.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Employee Engagement
enhance performance. The study also found that companies with the highest levels of employee
engagement achieve better financial results and are more successful in retaining their most valued employees than companies with lower levels of engagement."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Farewell to Pontiac
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Mr. Irrelevant"
But the first rounders don’t always get all of the attention. Every year, the last pick in the draft is honored as “Mr. Irrelevant” by a group in California created and headed up by former NFL wide receiver Paul Salata, who played in the NFL for one year. Salata’s group invites Mr. Irrelevant to Newport Beach for “Irrelevant Week” and the awarding of the “Lowsman Trophy” (opposite of “Heisman” and pictured above) It’s all in great fun, the proceeds go to benefit the Orange County Goodwill Fitness Center, and the designee often joins the festivities to be part of the scene. This has been going on since 1976, and according to the group’s website (, there will be lots of enjoyable activities to greet this year’s Mr. Irrelevant, Ryan Succop, from the University of South Carolina, chosen as the 256th overall pick by the Kansas City Chiefs.
Now, you’d think the last overall pick in the draft wouldn’t stand much of a chance of success, and sometimes you’d be right. Some Mr. Irrelevants didn’t even make the roster of the team that drafted them (anyone heard from Cam Quayle, 1998’s Mr. Irrelevant?), but there have been some surprises. According to, there are currently four past “winners” playing in the league, Bill Kenney (1978) was a Pro Bowl player, and Marty Moore (1994) became the first “Mr. I” to play in a Super Bowl.
This got me thinking about how often we might miss talented players, employees, colleagues, and others in our midst. How many “Mr. or Ms. Irrelevants” are in our lives? These might be the people who would be last on our list, but have the potential to surprise us with their talents and abilities if we only take the time to notice them.
This summer when the NFL teams go to training camp, while everyone else is watching the top picks, I’ll be keeping an eye on Ryan Succop, a really good kicker from South Carolina. When I’m watching him, I hope I’ll be reminded to not let anyone in my life be “irrelevant.”
Ben Stein on Sales
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Raising Bill Gates
Friday, April 24, 2009
What Works in Sales
Obama's "Rounding"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Health Care's a Mess, But I Like My Doc!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Traits of a "Kitchen Nightmare"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Accountability, NBA Style
For a team to be effective, it must be accountable. This doesn't mean that the players or team members are only accountable to their coach or leader. This is one-way accountability. True accountability flows in all directions, with players and team members accountable to one another. There is a good example of this in the Atlanta paper from last month. Al Horford of the Hawks in only his second year is holding his team mates accountable for their effort and performance. He is becoming a true leader way beyond his 23 years. Oh, and he isn't the best player or the biggest scorer. He's just a leader.
He’s different because he’s a second-year pro and leading this team —- often by example, sometimes by his words, even in the face of a veteran teammate.
How many second-year pros do that?
“I did it at Florida when I felt I had to,” Horford said Thursday. “I did it in high school. Here, I’ve done it a couple of times.”
Anticipating the next question, he quickly veered left: “I’m not going to name names. But if I see that somebody is not necessarily putting in the effort or is slacking off and it’s noticeable, I’m going to say something. Usually I’m very mellow. But sometimes I think something needs to be said, even if I put it out there in front of the whole team, even to the point where the guys might be mad at me for a day or two. I think it’s for the best."
Frantic Family
"Take Your Passion With You" (Excerpt from "Ordinary Greatness")
Just watching Mike’s show gives some insight to this concept. While everyone he visits is doing a dirty job, and for the most part, it seems, not getting rich doing it, every person he works alongside of is engaged and showing passion for the work. Can someone really be passionate about collecting chicken manure or scrubbing the inside of cement mixers? I doubt it. Instead, I think these people have brought their passion with them, and no matter what they were doing, they would be passionate about it. They just would be. Now, does it help to do work we find interesting? Of course. But we’ve also met executives who work in much nicer surroundings and make more money but who are miserable and exhibit less passion for their work than Mike’s friends. They have a great job, but they haven’t brought their passion with them.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Best Book on Teamwork Ever Written
Culture Drives Innovation
"The Guy Who Didn't Deserve His Own Show"
Conan’s career path also contains many lessons for leaders, I believe. You see, when Conan was offered the role of host of “Late Night” in 1993 (after being encouraged to audition by the legendary producer of “Saturday Night Live” Lorne Michaels), he was following the very successful David Letterman, and Conan was a complete unknown. He had been a successful writer behind the scenes on “The Simpsons” and “Saturday Night Live,” but he had no show-hosting experience. Many experts in the entertainment field were quite surprised and maybe even a bit offended that someone they did not know well had been chosen to host “Late Night.” In fact, NBC even acknowledged this perception in a radio ad which aired shortly before the show's debut that year that had O'Brien telling the story of someone who recognized him on the street and said, "Look, honey, there's the guy who doesn't deserve his own show!"
And his tenure was not without its bumps. For example, the first three years, NBC insisted on renewing the show only on a two-week basis at a time, as its survival was not guaranteed. Then Conan and his staff began hitting their stride. The shows became consistently funny, ratings improved, and the show developed a loyal following, especially among high-school and college-age kids. This provided some comedic fodder for O’Brien on his 10th Anniversary Special. Mr. T appeared on the special to give O'Brien a gold necklace with a giant "7" on it. When O'Brien tried to point out that he's actually been on the air for ten years, Mr. T responded, "I know that, fool...but you've only been funny for seven!"
What’s the lesson for leaders? Well, first of all, greatness in others is not always readily apparent. Sixteen years ago, no one was predicting that Conan would be such a successful host with such a legion of fans that he would actually be the next host of the “Tonight Show” after Jay Leno. His greatness was under the surface. He appeared to be an ordinary man, the “guy who doesn’t deserve his own show.” It took a visionary like Lorne Michaels to see the “ordinary greatness” in Conan.
Second, the lesson is that people need time. It might take a while to see ordinary greatness in others – don’t give up. You might have to keep an eye on things weekly like the NBC folks, but the results will be there.
So tonight, before you watch “Late Night” or go to bed early, be sure you have recognized greatness somewhere around you. Oh, and be sure to not just recognize it, but to tell someone you have. Here are some phrases to get you started:
I haven’t told you this in a while, but thank you for….
You might think that no one noticed when you…
Thank you for making my job easier when you…
Thank you for always taking such good care of our customers. I know they don’t always say thank you, so let me…
There is ordinary greatness everywhere you live. If it’s not apparent, you might have to be open to it and give it time. But the return on your investment will make it worth it, and you might find the next Conan!
Ordinary Greatness
Part of the fun of writing a book like “Ordinary Greatness” is the opportunity to connect people with the greatness inside themselves, those they lead, and in fact, everyone around them. We found that as we researched the book, there were in every organization multiple opportunities to find greatness, and our goal was to equip leaders with tools to ensure that they could find that greatness even in places where they least expect to find it.
We were constantly reminded of leaders we know who, because of their busy schedule, frantic life, and overall hectic existence, walk past greatness every day because it appears so ordinary. Then we realized that far from being the exception, this has become the norm: greatness gets overlooked on a daily basis due to how it is encapsulated. Ordinary people do great things in the business environment, but these individuals and their deeds go largely unnoticed. Leaders simply fail to grasp what is right there in front of them.
This is further evidenced by clients who bring us into their organizations to solve a problem. We soon realize that they’ve had everything needed to successfully resolve the issue all along—they just don’t see it.
This book will analyze the invisibility of ordinary greatness, how it happens and what it is, how leaders can learn to open their eyes and recognize it regardless of its frame or context. This can be a wakeup call for you as you work every day to keep employees engaged and passionate about their work.